James Facer-Childs


James Facer-Childs







Role in expedition

Expedition doctor and medical director

Rowzambique goals

Keep everyone safe and having a good time

Supporting a fantastic expedition for a fantastic cause

3 skills you bring to the expedition

Medical expertise, a love of good food I will offer to be backup cook, playing games

Biggest fear of the expedition

I don’t fear much and will take in the awesomeness of Africa, including accidentally rowing over hippos if that happens! But the dangers are real, and I fear someone getting seriously injured. I am planning and preparing for everything


Rowed the Indian Ocean 2009

About me

Growing up in suburban Maidenhead, I was always ready to get away to see and explore more of the world. Always fascinated by the raw beauty of Africa, I spent a summer working on Mukuze game reserve in South Africa at 19. At 21, I entered the Guinness World Records with my friend James after spending 103 days at sea rowing 3,600 miles across the Indian Ocean. I went on to study medicine and pursue the excitement of emergency medicine, taking part in further expeditions across Antarctica in 2016 and 2021, interspersed with a few other adventures. I had a small stint in Mozambique for charity, helping replace people's homes after the 2017 cyclones. Expedition medicine is a field of much planning and preparation, dealing with many minor injuries but always remaining ready to dive into action for major incidents.


I have a huge appreciation for the majesty of our planet and all the animals that live on it. Africa still possesses an incredible wilderness with daily struggles for survival. It is a privilege to be part of an expedition traversing such scenery and supporting a charity that provides our most precious resource, water, to people who really need it.


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