Dan Chapman


Dan Chapman




Somerset, England

Rowzambique goals

  • Support the rowers to achieve their goals
  • Experience the culture and wildlife of Mozambique
  • Gain an in-site to rowing (understanding it's a different discipline) prior to my 2025 row around the UK

3 skills you bring to the expedition

  • Strong work ethic / team player
  • Experience living / working remotely
  • A honest and friendly medic to rely on

Biggest fear of the expedition

The Wildlife. As beautiful and amazing they are, they are also wild and untamed so it is impossible to plan for every possibility.

About me

  • Live  with my partner (Jess), 2 children (Thomas, Poppy), and most importantly the dog (Buzz)
  • 14 years in the Royal Marines as a Medic and Paramedic,
  • Medicine and the Royal marines has taken me to Arctic circle, Alps, Atlas mountains, Afghanistan, USA, all over Europe as well as some incredible spots within the UK
  • Main sport is cycling and like to challenge myself to endurance challenges (350miles in 24 hrs, 700mile on a Tandem + running 3 peaks in 6 days)
  • Founder of The Toads Adventure Club. The aim of TTAC is to raise awareness, money and support for our UK children's Hospital Charities and the families receiving care. Our next big adventure is The TTAC Great British Row around the UK in June 25


Adding another string to my bow of austere and remote medicine my main happy place is the cold so Africa will be a challenge and learning curve for me as well. I enjoy the challenge of working will limited resources in which I have to think and problem solve (and not just wheel them into my ambulance and then into the ED dept).


  • The unpredictability of the wildlife.
  • This is my first civilian expedition. I wouldn’t say it's a worry but I assume there will be a different vibe and atmosphere (hopefully more relaxed and fun) compared to my previous ventures which I will need to learn and adopt quickly.

Africa is yet to be graced with my union jack running shorts however Rowzambique will be the perfect opportunity.


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