Darren Low


Darren Low




Minerva Bath Rowing Club

Rowing standard

Faster than a Hippo


Bath, UK


Managing Director

Role in expedition

Digital Director

Rowzambique goals

To see our international, multi-cultural crew come together quickly as one well drilled machine so that we can achieve this epic challenge.

3 skills you bring to the expedition

Resilience, calmness and confidence (not my first expedition)

Biggest fear of the expedition

Camping on sandbanks on the Zambezi AKA crocs natural habitat

About me

Growing up in East London, rowing wasn’t much of a thing aside from watching the boat race on TV. It was only when I was in my early 40s that I started rowing in Bath at a club I didn’t even know existed. I learned to row to take part in the 2018 expedition to row the Kafue River and it was a fantastic achievement. I’m not an athlete, although I have rowed competitively at Masters level, I do enjoy being part of a crew, showing up for each other, learning and improving and one day I hope to be a half decent rower.


I feel very invested in this expedition. In 2018 it was all unknown, and while the waters may have never been rowed like this before, I know we will have a huge impact, both on the lives of the people taking part and on the communities that we can raise funds and clean water solutions for.


Funding is always a worry. Rowing has a perception of being a rich white boys sport. In the main it isn’t, community clubs scrimp by and are the lifeblood of rowing in the UK and further afield. So to motivate people and firms to support us is hard, especially in the current climate. We are funding all of our African athletes and to be able to cover that cost through donations would be amazing. We are a very diverse crew, from 21 to 63 in age, from the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Zambia, Uganda and South Africa, men and women, novices and Olympians.


Kafue Consultants Logo
Logic+Magic logo.
Katadyn Group Switzerland logo
Leica logo