Jessica Johnson


Jessica Johnson





Rowing Standard

Learnt to row on Kafue 2018 expedition. Have coxed at HRR and the World Coastal Championships


London, UK


Clinical Scientist inNuclear Medicine Physics

Role in expedition

Lead of Project Management Office

Rowzambique goals

To explore a wild and beautiful area of the world, that I’ve never visited before, in a testing but rewarding way. And to help to ensure that everyone comes away having had a safe and happy expedition.

3 skill you bring to the expedition

Organisationalskills, positivity and openness.

Biggest fear of the expedition

I don’t have any great fears, but I would hate if anyone came away from the expedition not feeling fulfilled and that they’d got from it what they wanted. I am sure that won’t happen though!

About me

Whilst I workday to day in a hospital, I’ve been involved in rowing since I started university at Imperial College London. Having always coxed previously, I learnt to scull during the Kafue 2018 expedition – quite a place to learn to scull!


The 2018 expedition was so special, that I couldn’t possibly not want to return to complete the journey to the sea, along the Zambezi. I’ve also a passion for Africa – the people, the wildlife and the landscapes – so I leapt at the opportunity to return, with a truly worthwhile purpose.


The washing when I get home again!

Fun fact

The sport I spend most my time doing isn’t in fact rowing, but I am an ultra marathon runner. Hopefully that endurance will be of some help for the expedition!


One of my key skills from the 2018 expedition was learning how to bake cakes and bread on a campfire.


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