Kate Littlejohn


Kate Littlejohn




Formally Stanford University

Rowing standard

NCAA Division 1


Hamilton, New Zealand



Role in expedition


Rowzambique goals

Learning how sport can be used as a vehicle to promote and develop other endeavours such as research and social impact.

Embracing the adventure and challenge of rowing hundreds of kilometres in unique circumstances. 

3 skills you bring to the expedition

Perseverance, perspective and adapting to situations.

Biggest fear of the expedition

Close encounters with hippos and other wildlife while in the boat.

About me

Having grown up in New Zealand, in an active family, sport has always been a central tenet of my life. Once I reached high school I primarily focussed on netball and took up rowing, where I was fortunate enough to represent New Zealand at Junior World Champs and later in then Under 21 Trans-Tasman championship. Post high school I made the decision to put netball on hold and take up an opportunity to attend Stanford university as a rowing student athlete where I spent four remarkable years training amongst high performance athletes from across the world and furthering my academic interests. After graduating in 2022, I decided to return home to New Zealand where I am continuing my studies with a Master of Psychology and returning to the netball court to chase childhood aspirations. 


When I tell people about the expedition, I am met with raised eyebrows and looks of bewilderment. I think this reaction sums up part of my motivation to participate in the expedition in that it is a bit crazy, wild, and unexpected. In the same token, I am looking forward to meeting other people who are embarking on this adventure and learning more about how we will come together and tackle the challenge that I hope will be a step towards making meaningful difference and creating social impact. 


Encountering wildlife, especially while being in the boats is certainly intimidating. The fact that this adventure has not been attempted or completed previously is also slightly scary but exciting at the same time.  

 Stevo (expedition coach) was my high school rowing coach.


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