Keith Mwanza


Keith Mwanza

Expedition Role




About me

From the first stroke I took on the water, rowing has been more than just a sport to me; it's been a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Reflecting on my time in the boat, I can't help but marvel at how it has shaped me into the person I am today.

Stevo, my first coach and guiding light in the world of rowing, played a pivotal role in my journey. His unwavering belief in me, even when I doubted myself, was like a steady oar guiding me through choppy waters. Stevo wasn't just a coach; he was a beacon of enthusiasm and positivity, infecting everyone around him with his contagious energy. His pep talks were legendary, filled with equal parts wisdom and humour, leaving us both inspired and in stitches.


Rowing isn't just about physical strength; it's about mental resilience and unwavering determination. Each early morning practice and gruelling race taught me the value of discipline and perseverance. There were days when the water seemed rough, and the finish line felt miles away, but Stevo's voice echoed in my mind, urging me to push harder and reach for greatness.

Through rowing, I learned the importance of teamwork and camaraderie. There's nothing quite like the bond forged in the boat, where every member relies on the other to pull their weight (quite literally!). Whether we were celebrating a victory or commiserating a defeat, we did it together, united by our shared passion for the sport.


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