Louise Cook


Louise Cook





Rowing standard

Social Rowing




Still to be decided

Role in expedition

Hand holder to hand wrapper - I’m there to give a helping hand where needed, from attending to the highs and lows of expedition life to cleaning and strapping blistered hands.


Seasoned RZ expedition member, croc reconnoitrer, midwife and best of all Grannie

Rowzambique goals

To plant a tree at Mary Moffat Livingstone’s grave, to record (audio) the call of an African Eagle on the Zambezi, to swim in the Indian Ocean & to do a headstand on one of the boats…on the river…don’t tell Tim!

3 skills you bring to the expedition

Expedition experience, patience on long car journeys, unknotting long hair

Biggest fear of the expedition


About me

I was born and brought up in Zambia and any excuse to go home and have adventures suits me! Having said that I maintain a professional interest with Zambia through my work as a Trustee with Village Water and through a continued interest in obstetric and midwifery care in Zambia. I also have a special interest as my family still live in Zambia which is a great excuse to visit frequently.  

I live in the UK working as an independent midwife and lactation consultant (tongue-tie practitioner). I have four grown up children and the highlight of last year was becoming grannie to Jack.  


This is Row Zambezi’s 5th expedition, I have been involved with them all including a pilot regatta on the Kafue River I have loved each and every one, each totally unique, they have been hugely challenging in different ways (mostly unexpected ways) and hugely special in different ways. For some the experience has been life changing, which is amazing, but for all of us without exception every expedition has been a massively life affirming experience.  

Rowzambique is the 3rd leg of the Zambezi expedition, we started in Solwezi where the river had re-emerged into Zambia as a ‘young’ river and this expedition will be the final link with the Indian Ocean


I always worry about crocodiles on the river (even though we are so careful and safe), I worry about camp provisions (for this expedition we are in the best position ever), I worry about ants eating our supplies (it happened on one expedition), I’m worrying about the unexpected…

Fun fact

2 fun facts:

I am in the middle of a self-set challenge to do 60 headstands in 60 different places.  

And a goose is in love with me!


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