Stuart Innes


Stewart Innes




Leander Club

Rowing Standard





Management Consultant

Role in expedition



Rio 2016 Olympian. 2x World and European Medallist

RowZambique goal

Share my experiences of rowing to those less fortunate than myself. Enabling the expedition and coaching others to achieve more than they thought possible through rowing.

3 skills you bring to the expedition

Resilience, team building, enthusiasm.

Biggest fear of the expedition

Hippos - I’ve heard they are the king of the water…


Rio 2016 Olympian. 2x World and European Medallist.

About me

Despite disliking rowing from an early age when being dragged to Henley regatta I started rowing at the age of 11 with my dad. From the moment I started rowing it was an escape and gave me so much. I learnt how to get the most out of myself and how to bring a team together to be better than the sum of its parts.

As a junior I represented Great Britain both in 2008 and 09 winning a silver medal at the junior world championships. I then went on to Durham university where I competed winning national titles and u23 selection once due to multiple years of injury.


After leaving university I joined Leander club where I won Henley in the Prince of Wales Challenge cup in 2013 and went on to join the GB Olympic team, competing in the M2- in Rio finishing 4th.


My greatest achievement in the sport however was not Olympic success, but overcoming injury that left me struggling to walk. After 3 years of absenceI rejoined the British team in time for Toyko Olympic selection trials, but was forced to retire with the postponement of the games due to Covid.


From 2020 I spent a year as a motivational speaker before joining PwC inMay 2021.


After years of rowing for myself I am keen to give back to the sport of rowing and give others just some of the opportunities that I found through the sport. I believe the sport has been instrumental in making me who I am today and together the rowing community has the power to be a force for good that can connect global community of like minded people.


Fear of missing out the first half. Hippos, and Ollie Cooks terrible jokes, that have only got worse with fatherhood.

Fun fact

My go to Karaoke song of choice is The Proclaimers - I’m Gonna Be.


My life ambition is to appear on Strictly.


I’ve never drunk a cup of coffee.


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