Varun Shankar


Varun Shankar




Pembroke College Boat Club

Rowing standard

Intermediate–college level


Lusaka, Zambia


University student

Role in expedition



Pembroke College Oxford rower

Rowzambique goals

My aim is to raise funds for a worthy cause while embarking on an adventure across the stunning landscapes of Mozambique and Zambia.

3 skills you bring to the expedition

Ambition, team spirit, and resilience

Biggest fear of the expedition

Swimming with the crocs

About me

I grew up in Zambia and never came across rowing during my school days. After moving to Oxford, I started rowing in the summer of 2022 after being thoroughly impressed by the love for the sport by my friends. Joining the Pembroke College Boat Club proved to be an incredibly welcoming experience where I have built amazing friendships as well as worked on my physical fitness! This journey has not only been about embracing a new sport but also about discovering a vibrant community and pushing my boundaries.


I've never been on such a big adventure before, and I'm really looking forward to doing my best and contributing positively to the team. I'm also excited to meet all the cool people who are joining in!


I am equally worried yet excited to be part of this expedition with top athletes.

Fun fact

I enjoy working on old cars.


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